Greetings, brave souls, and welcome to the cryptic corners of my blog, where every click brings you closer to the edge of your seat. Prepare yourselves for a wickedly good time as you navigate through four chilling categories: 'Post Mortem Musings' invites you to dance with the demons in my personal journal, 'Macabre Matinee' serves up vintage and forgotten horror flicks fresher than a newly dug grave, 'Stranger Than Fiction' unveils the bizarre underbelly of our world, and 'Panel By Panel' dissects the sinister art of writing comic book horrors.

Unlock exclusive access to 'Post Mortem Musings,' my chilling journal, by joining the mailing list!

Sink your fangs into 'Macabre Matinee,' where I unearth vintage horror treasures from cult classics to forgotten gems. Enjoy this spine-tingling audio blog series at absolutely no cost!

Delve into the bizarre world of 'Stranger Than Fiction,' where the weirdest wonders of our world unfold before your very eyes. Enjoy this eerie exploration completely free of charge!

Unlock the secrets of storytelling with 'Panel By Panel,' a darkly enlightening series that guides you through the twisted corridors of comic book creation. Dive into this sinister tutorial series for a fee, and unleash your inner horror maestro!